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 Product Classification Key

If you want to display the FEDAS-Product Classification Key proceed as follow:
Click on
- the Product type, which you want, then
- the Activity and then
- Product Main-Group as well as Sub-Group

The selected Product Classification Key is displayed in the field "Key".

Sort: You can select between the following two sort options: numeric sortor alphabetic sort.

Search: To activating the search program click the 'search' button.

Product Classification Key Search

Enter the search description of the product which you are searching for and youget the product group(s) to which this product has been allocated.

You may enter two search strings. In this case you can select the logical'OR' or the logical 'AND' to combine them.

OR: Hits all database entries containing either the first or the second word.

AND: Hits all database entries containing both (first and second) words.

If you geg no hits, then please try another search word or send an e-mail to FEDAS,which will give you further information to your request.

User registration

If you do not yet have a user-identity and password, then please first register asnew user.

User registration form

Please fill in the form. Fields marked red are compulsory and must be filled in.You can select your own user id and password.​