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Database was updated

Skip Navigation LinksGuideline -Update 2.17.00 - Oct. 2018

One of the key tasks of SGI-DHO, the organisation that manages the FEDAS product classification key (PCK) is to ensure that it covers the needs of the retailers and brands of our industry.

With the increasing importance of e-commerce and sales in formation we have made some adaptation to the database, but without changing the proven 6-digit structure of the code.

The main changes are:

  1. The new Product Type (PT) 8 has be allocated to nutrition. Which means that nutrition so far allocated to Multisport (00) and Mountaineering / Hiking (64) must be allocated to the new Product Groups und PT 8.
  2. Multisport has be reduced to a minimum and the Product Main Groups (PMG) inactivated have been activated in additional activities.                                                                                                                                                                
  3. Leisure / Fashion winter (Activity 14) has been set inactive


So far Multisport has been used as a bucked in which far too many products were classified in. The consequence was that the Multisport activity has become very important in terms of sales volume, but also very difficult to analyse as a multitude of products ended up in it that should not be there.

Going forward it will only be possible to classify products that can truly not be classified in any of the other activities. To limit the possibility to by mistakes, classify products wrongly, we have blocked several PCKs in Multisport. One main area that has been closed (inactivated) to a minimum is on the apparel side.

We now ask brands to classify apparel products as follows

    1. either in their main activity, or
    2. if this is not possible, then in the activities
      • leisure / fashion (75) or
      • fitness / training (78).

        The logic that should be applied is the following:
      • 75 Leisure / Fashion          à non-technical garment
      • 78 Fitness / training          à technical garments

        Matrix showing Activities and Product Group available for Product Groups set in-active will be added a few days after the new update version 2.17.00 has been launched.   

Leisure / Fashion

So far, we separated between "Leisure / Fashion winter" (activity 14) and "Leisure / Fashion Summer whole year" (activity 75).

With the new update (version 2.17.00) no more separation will be done between summer and winter.

Also, for the other activities in the concept, we do not on activity level split between summer and winter.

Therefore, the activity 14 "Leisure / Fashion Winter" has been inactivated and the activity 75 has been renamed to "Leisure / Fashion". Additional product groups have been activated under activity 75.

The analysis of seasonal sales will need to be done by defining the sales period.



Nutrition has been allocated to the product Type 8 (1st digit of the FEDAS code) and the Activity 99, which now have been reserved for Nutrition.

In the future we will, if required also allocate other product group like body care, etc. to Product Type 8.

The new structure can be found online in the database.

With allocating nutrition under Product Type 8, we had to inactivate nutrition under Multisport (PT = 00) and Mountaineering/Hiking (PT = 64).


All new nutrition products must be allocated to PT 8, carry-overs will keep the old FEDAS code.